Repro_Pro's latest activity

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    Repro_Pro reacted to Possumgal's post in the thread Awarding the Job with Like Like.
    Oh, we can be the cheapest option. That means you get the "okay" job though, not the good one.
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    Repro_Pro reacted to MailGuru's post in the thread Awarding the Job with Like Like.
    Of course, this has nothing to do with the usual kickback....please make them all 20's this time. Hundreds are too hard to break.....
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    Repro_Pro replied to the thread New China Brand CTP.
    Whichever CTP machine you buy, make sure you will have no restriction on changing plate parameters at will. Try not to get caught up in...
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    Repro_Pro replied to the thread Lotem 800 DDB fault.
    Actually I have quit a few spare parts from 3 Lotem 800V2 I took apart so as to have spare parts for my own machine. PM me if you want...
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    Repro_Pro replied to the thread Lotem 800 DDB fault.
    Please describe the lines (thickness, spacing etc.). are they caused by laser exposure or lack of it. Try changing drum rotation speeds...
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    Repro_Pro replied to the thread Lotem 800 DDB fault.
    Take out the Interlock Board and check if it has burn (short-circuit) marks. It happened to us a few years ago, the burnt item was...
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    Repro_Pro replied to the thread Lotem 800 DDB fault.
    Did you try to replace the Interlock Board? Concerning your 2nd Lotem - I am not a trained technician but AFAIK, if a spare TSP board...
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    Repro_Pro replied to the thread Lotem 800 DDB fault.
    Regarding power not reaching the Lbox - try replacing the Interlock Board located in the Distribution Box. See the diagram on page 4 of...
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    Repro_Pro replied to the thread Lotem 800 DDB fault.
    Perhaps this may help:
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    Repro_Pro reacted to jwheeler's post in the thread First Day in Shipping with Like Like.
    Because it wouldn't be as fun that way! Package basketball! 🏀
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    The way that resolution is defined on inkjet printers is somewhat inconsistent. Take for example the old Scitex Iris, with a stated...
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    Repro_Pro reacted to Ynot_UK's post in the thread The Job Application with Like Like.
    Depending on how intelligent the AI actually is, simply mentioning the name of the qualification you don't have and thinking about how...


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