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  1. prepressdork

    Resize Spine || Pitstop Pro 2019 || Action || Automation

    To resize a PDF page using Pitstop, create a new action list and in the list of available commands, type "Trim Box". In the list of filtered results you'll see "Change Trim Box". You'll likely need to change the other PDF page boxes to meet your needs which are: Media Box, Crop Box, Bleed Box...
  2. prepressdork

    Acrobat SO SLOW...

    Assuming you are on a Mac, go to the View menu and choose Disable New Acrobat.
  3. prepressdork

    Acrobat SO SLOW...

    You can disable it if you wish.
  4. prepressdork

    Heidelberg Presses & CIP3 Ink Data

    Hi Martin. Thank you for the reply. Do you know if #2 can generate the Workplace Interface File format which is the file format that Pressroom Manager generates after receiving the CIP3 file from prepress? Thanks, pd
  5. prepressdork

    Heidelberg Presses & CIP3 Ink Data

    Hi everyone, For those of you who have Heidelberg presses AND generate CIP3 ink data from your prepress workflow, what software do you use to process the ink data from prepress for import into your presses? I know of 3 products: 1. Prinect Pressroom Manager from Heidelberg 2. PressPercent from...
  6. prepressdork

    Scam adobe email?

    Hover your mouse over the "Review and sign" button. What is the URL that pops up?
  7. prepressdork

    Quark Xpress 2024 ver 20.02 font problem

    I am assuming that you and the publisher are using the same version of QXP? If so, are you both on the same platform (Mac? Windows?). It's been quite a while since I've had to use QuarkXPress so my memory is fuzzy. Could there be a Quark preference setting that is configured differently between...
  8. prepressdork

    Detecting areas of fine detail

    Try the "Check for Complex Pages" action list. what you're looking for? It doubt it will help with images but for vector content, it might. Best regards, pd
  9. prepressdork

    CTP Plates ECO3 problem

    I agree with @maxon. If the problem were due to underexposure, you would be seeing the issue shown in the video in all non-image areas and not just on certain parts of the plate. Roller problem?
  10. prepressdork

    Die cutting tolerance between shapes

    Both of my steel rule die vendors have a minimum proximity tolerance of 3/32" (2.38125mm) though they recommend 1/8" (3.175mm).
  11. prepressdork

    Dealing With Canva Files and RGB vs. CMYK

    It's worth noting that Canva's 'flatten PDF' option converts the entire file (including text) into a single image.
  12. prepressdork

    Why Mac?

    I use AppleScript quite a bit to automate desktop and InDesign tasks. Most, if not all of it, could probably be rebuilt in JavaScript or other language but I understand AppleScript way better than JavaScript.
  13. prepressdork

    New Imposition Software Needed

    I also use Montax. It has a nice feature set (including hot folder capabilities) for under $600. One possible downside is that it is only available for Windows.
  14. prepressdork

    Layout Software

    Oh well I guess. It was a thought.
  15. prepressdork

    Layout Software

    @abc - not everyone has a modern workflow which provides JDF/XML capabilities. For those who don't have such workflows, my idea doesn't add a step but rather speeds up the step of drawing layouts by hand. pd
  16. prepressdork

    PDF/VT Random incomplete pages

    Would you be able to upload a couple of the faulty pages (please remove any confidential info of course)? I'd like to try them here and see what I get.
  17. prepressdork

    Layout Software

    I guess I am still not explaining well enough about what I am asking so again, I apologize for any confusion. What I am asking is NOT about how someone actually imposes a job using whatever software they have. My question is about how a job planner (or similar position) shows a prepress person...
  18. prepressdork

    PDF/VT Random incomplete pages

    On those 13 pages, what didn't print correctly? Was the missing(?) content part of the static background or the variable part?
  19. prepressdork

    PDF/VT Random incomplete pages

    So the composed file looks correct on screen (including the 13 pages that printed incorrectly)?
  20. prepressdork

    Layout Software

    Hi SoggyWinter, My apologies for the confusion. What I am asking is, if you had an APP that you could open and with a few pieces of information, generate a layout that would show prepress how to impose the job you planned, what features would you want to see in it? Best regards, pd


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