latest InDesign beta opens/converts PDF files

i wanted this so long ago that I gave up on the idea.

I'm glad you posted cuz I would've never known. thanks!
I have tried it out. This will come in very handy.
Hopefully one day it will expand to PDFs created in other apps.
I do feel for the small developers of plug-ins. Markzware has a similar product, PDFMarkz. This will definitely cut into their revenue.
I had a friend's company, a lowly apprentice productions, that was assimilated by Quark back in the day. They made cool extensions for QuarkXPress, I think Quark felt threatened.
Note that this is limited to PDF files exported from InDesign! This is very similar to the issue of use of Adobe Illustrator as a PDF editor; it is not an editor of any arbitrary PDF file nor will InDesign's PDF opening/conversion capability. (In the beta test phase of InDesign 1.0, there was a feature to open PDF files and allow editing of same and subsequently merge with other InDesign content. That feature was dropped prior to InDesign 1.0's release since there were too many situations in which InDesign could not map PDF features to those of InDesign!)

Be very, very, very careful about use of any product or feature that purports to allow editing or converting of arbitrary PDF files. I know of absolutely no product that can full convert or edit any arbitrary PDF file. This include products from Markzware as well as Adobe.

One must understand that in order to provide full, lossless editing of a PDF file or conversion of a PDF file to another format, an application program must support the entire PDF imaging model and specification … and that includes the ISO 32000-2 PDF specification. Even the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Pro does not fully support that specification at this time.

- Dov
Note that this is limited to PDF files exported from InDesign! This is very similar to the issue of use of Adobe Illustrator as a PDF editor; it is not an editor of any arbitrary PDF file nor will InDesign's PDF opening/conversion capability. (In the beta test phase of InDesign 1.0, there was a feature to open PDF files and allow editing of same and subsequently merge with other InDesign content. That feature was dropped prior to InDesign 1.0's release since there were too many situations in which InDesign could not map PDF features to those of InDesign!)

Be very, very, very careful about use of any product or feature that purports to allow editing or converting of arbitrary PDF files. I know of absolutely no product that can full convert or edit any arbitrary PDF file. This include products from Markzware as well as Adobe.

One must understand that in order to provide full, lossless editing of a PDF file or conversion of a PDF file to another format, an application program must support the entire PDF imaging model and specification … and that includes the ISO 32000-2 PDF specification. Even the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Pro does not fully support that specification at this time.

- Dov
Hey Dov, when will I be able to print to .PS via InDesign with trapping enabled? It's been broken for 3 years on the Windows side of things.
Since I don't work for Adobe, I have no way of knowing that … 😉

That having been said, I would NEVER endorse printing to PostScript. If you really need PostScript, export to PDF and then create PostScript from Acrobat Pro.
I have tried it out. This will come in very handy.
Hopefully one day it will expand to PDFs created in other apps.
I do feel for the small developers of plug-ins. Markzware has a similar product, PDFMarkz. This will definitely cut into their revenue.
I had a friend's company, a lowly apprentice productions, that was assimilated by Quark back in the day. They made cool extensions for QuarkXPress, I think Quark felt threatened.
I do remember ALAP. They had quite a few very good plug-ins back in the day. And I remember when Quark assimilated them. I was not happy.
Thanks Dov,
I'm thinking that it's limited to InDesign generated PDFs because Adobe knows the results (structure) of the process (ID Export to PDF) inside out, and this makes it easier to convert backwards. Either that or they've been adding some InDesign structure hints into pdfs.
Often the pdf is all that the customer has and they are coming with a Business Card but want Letterheads and Envelopes, they're not fussed about the fonts used for the body text.
I often have to construct something new in InDesign then spend time splicing a PDF into many parts, maybe take bits into Illy too, or cut and paste in Pitstop. Its going to be a lot quicker to start fresh in just one app.

One concern is getting a complicated logo from say Illy placed into InDesign, that when it comes back from PDF is now at best a complicated group, and at worst a few hundred vectors.

Could someone do a pitstop edit to a pdf and see if that still opens in Id
Thanks Dov,
I'm thinking that it's limited to InDesign generated PDFs because Adobe knows the results (structure) of the process (ID Export to PDF) inside out, and this makes it easier to convert backwards. Either that or they've been adding some InDesign structure hints into pdfs.
Heavens, joining me in the Adobe 'paranoia' crowd?


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