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  1. michaelejahn

    Bleed Edge clipped, to next page.

    I read "Our normal InDesign process is to save a PS file which is then distilled to produce the PDF. Which results in the mentioned issue." Then I threw up in my mouth. Sorry. We stopped exporting to PostScript back in 2001, so, I have no wisdom to share here. You mention "but the files are...
  2. michaelejahn


    Thanks !I agree that is dang fugly, but explains it perfectly !
  3. michaelejahn


    @tngcas - would love to review your instruction page - is that on your Inspire Print website or is it some PDF you share with customers ?
  4. michaelejahn

    Pantone Color of the Year 2024

    That does nothing to help anyone mix the ink that will be used to print with, or what the Lab values for that color are. We are printing, not dyeing textiles @bteifeld ...
  5. michaelejahn

    Does work?

    While doing that in a price table would be tricky ( a nice word for impossible ) it sure seem like if OPS offered a formula that looked at total sheets in the job - then used THAT to calculate when to apply a price break, that would solve the problem. But you mention they require $1000.00 to...
  6. michaelejahn

    Cutting Costs with a Smart Workflow

    Wonderful Article @noelward ! Chad is a avid user and many of his feature request have become our most popular tools.
  7. michaelejahn

    [email protected]

  8. michaelejahn

    Hi Dov, This is making me nutz ( not a very far drive, i know ) - can't figure out what Adobe...

    Hi Dov, This is making me nutz ( not a very far drive, i know ) - can't figure out what Adobe Illustratior setting to tell customer to change - this is the second customer reporting this... 2023-04-05_Prima
  9. michaelejahn


    @jwheeler - we are a software developer and many of our customers offer embroidery and screen printing services. Here are some observations I have seen -
  10. michaelejahn

    PDF question

    here is the file agreed. I fixed the original post so the URL now works - thanks for pointing that out as well. I had no idea that OCR would work on outlined characters.
  11. michaelejahn

    PDF question

    I have not encountered a PDF before that does this. Was giving our system problems generating a thumbnail - so i opened it in Adobe Acrobat and this happened 2023-01-25 FirstGX I have no idea why. I was shocked to see there were no fonts in the PDF, yet, when I clicked Edit tool, it loaded...
  12. michaelejahn

    Editing Trim Box: Which software do you use?

    um, okay, well - many imposition apps ignore these boxes ( as designers often do not understand what they are or how much bleed is required ( as there is no standard bleed amount from printer to printer ) - many imposition simply center the PDF into an imposition cell ( of if saddle stitch...
  13. michaelejahn

    Since support for Type 1 fonts is ending in January......

    but do you have the Putty book ? ( that was the one for PDF )
  14. michaelejahn

    Looking for a csv file solution with Fiery

    This assumes the OP has a method to generate a JDF ( unless he wants to type one in Notepad++ ) - but, then, I have no idea if EFI charges to add the JDF processor - and have no idea how much that is. But I 100% agree that using JDF would be the approach.
  15. michaelejahn

    Color separated PDF

    Creo - back in the day - made an Adobe Acrobat plug-in - that could take separated PDF and "re-combine" them into a composite PDF - this ( of course ) required a way to assign a separation plate a color ( like Pantone 151 or Cyan ) - i recall using that when we wanted to recombine separated PDF...
  16. michaelejahn

    GMG, ORIS, EFI, ... what else?

    yes, and the way star proof works is you rip ( using the same rip that is used to make the plates ) to 1 bit tiffs - then - using the same 1 bit tiffs you will use to make the plates, you send these tiffs to star proof which them images them. so, assuming your proofing system has the same...
  17. michaelejahn

    PDF Syntax Errors

    can you share the PDF file ( three different people now have asked you for this, so, guessing answer is no ) but that would help us help you
  18. michaelejahn

    PitStop vs pdfToolbox

    Full Disclosure : I used to work for Enfocus. I loved to demo PitStop Server / Enfocus Action Lists to take a PDF from one condition automatically into another. Very Powerful tools. I am personal friends with Peter Camps who invented "Tailor" which was the PostScript display editor ( ran on a...
  19. michaelejahn

    Non-profiled offset printing

    the goal is to color manage the workflow, which assume you have a method to proof you work to a standard ( like GRACoL) and then provide them a PDF/X file that embeds that output intent profile ( so the printer knows what target ) then ( of course ) they know HOW to accomplish that. With PDF/X...


A 30-day Fix for Managed Chaos

As any print professional knows, printing can be managed chaos. Software that solves multiple problems and provides measurable and monetizable value has a direct impact on the bottom-line.

“We reduced order entry costs by about 40%.” Significant savings in a shop that turns about 500 jobs a month.

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